Ryan Speier | 253 441 7270 | ryan @ milkman-media . com

David and Kate’s Wedding

Kate and I met online. Yes, we were fellow bloggers before we met face to face. When I found out Kate was getting married, I was thrilled. Knowing a bit of her story, I couldn’t help but want to celebrate in this moment of redemption, beauty, and unity! When Kate originally emailed me about photos, I told Ryan how much I wanted to be there for her wedding… Well details changed and instead, Ryan and I offered our talents to film Kate’s wedding. In my heart, I was deeply compelled that it was so important to capture their day – their story…

When we arrived to the camp that first evening, I knew it was going to be a special… and quite unforgettable weekend… And that it was… With all our footage, it’s hard not to share EVERYTHING… So, we hope that this bit of video shows a bit of everything – from the many friends who served to make this day happen – to Cohen’s sweet face and of course, the union of David and Kate…

Thank you for letting us celebrate with you…

Song: “Many Roads,” by Andrew Peterson. Used with permission.