Ryan Speier | 253 441 7270 | ryan @ milkman-media . com

Welcome home, Adam.

When my friend, Lindsey, hired us to film Adam’s “Welcome home!” ceremony, I had no idea what an unforgettable moment it would be.

Lindsey was one of the first friends I made when I moved to Tacoma in 2004 and at that time, she was actually working with Ryan at Upward Bound part of MDC. I’ve always loved her creative style and we could talk for hours about our plans to change the world. When she moved back “home” to the mid-west (something we had in common!) to get her Masters, I didn’t expect to ever live within the same vicinity again. But she surprised me. She married a man whose job was a chaplain for the U.S. Army – and he was to be stationed at Fort Lewis.

For several months we even got the chance to live in the same apartment building together. And while Adam was away for the year, she was growing a little sweetie inside of her – Bjorn.

Like I have already mentioned… I will never forget the moment Adam embraced his beautiful wife. I couldn’t help but tear up as I watched through the viewfinder.

Adam, Lindsey & Bjorn since moved from Tacoma… but I still am so grateful for their long distance friendship.

Song: “Thanks to You I’m Free,” by Jonathan Harris. Used with permission.


Two years ago, my husband finally came home from a year-long deployment to Iraq. As with all welcome-home ceremonies, it was an exciting, emotional and highly-anticipated time in our marriage. The last time I saw him was six months earlier, for his R & R. But, this time was different. This time he was coming home to stay. We could finally & truly dive into the plans and hopes we had for our marriage. Up until that point, we were either newlyweds waiting for him to deploy or newlyweds pushing our way through a deployment. This was finally our time. To top off all this awesomeness, I was 6 months pregnant with our 1st baby! The last time he had seen me, we had just found out we were expecting a baby and I was about, ummm, 25 pounds thinner.

All this to say, we HAD to have someone capture this reunion on film! And Ryan and Bethany were the perfect choice. They came to my home early to document the excited nervousness I had as I got ready to meet my love and introduce him to our baby. They then came with me to the ceremony, itself, and caught every second of the reunion on tape! When we received our final product, it exceeded our expectations. Every sound bite was perfectly and artistically chosen. The background music couldn’t have been more fitting. I store this DVD in a fireproof/waterproof box – it is something I deeply treasure and look forward to sharing with many generations to come! Ryan and Bethany have an obvious love for the people, sites and scenes that they shoot. Every image and every sound clearly demonstrates that this is, indeed, a work of art as much as it is a photograph or a clip of film.